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Joel Kaplan – Pay Per Show Agency Course

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John Boik - Historical Analysis Masterclass
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John Bejakovic – Copy Riddles

Original price was: $992.00.Current price is: $12.00.

John Bejakovic’s Copy Riddles is a transformative copywriting course designed to elevate your skills to the level of A-list professionals. This course goes beyond traditional instruction by immersing you in practical, hands-on exercises that imprint top-tier copywriting techniques directly into your skillset.
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John Bejakovic - Copy Riddles

John Bejakovic – Copy Riddles Overview

John Bejakovic’s Copy Riddles is a transformative copywriting course designed to elevate your skills to the level of A-list professionals. This course goes beyond traditional instruction by immersing you in practical, hands-on exercises that imprint top-tier copywriting techniques directly into your skillset.

Course Structure

1. 20 Rounds of A-List Techniques

  • Progressive Learning: The course is organized into 20 distinct “rounds,” each introducing a specific copywriting tactic used by industry legends. The rounds start with simpler concepts and gradually increase in complexity, providing a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.

2. Round Highlights

  • Round 8: Learn to create “impossible” bullets that are both believable and irresistibly intriguing.
  • Round 10: Master the “problem mechanism” to turn skepticism into eagerness, converting hesitant readers into buyers.
  • Round 11: Apply Gary Halbert’s “sex expert” trick to intensify desire and boost credibility.
  • Round 9: Perfect the 30-second bullet tease, a powerful tactic for capturing attention quickly.
  • Round 18: Discover the bullet element that distinguishes master persuaders from the rest.
  • Round 14: Use magic words that immediately increase your copy’s response rate.
  • Round 12: Learn how to bypass logical objections and prompt instant buying decisions.
  • Round 6: Unlock an 8-letter talk technique that makes your copy irresistibly engaging.
  • Round 19: Explore a sexy bullet-writing method that will make you stand out among peers.
  • Round 17: Ethically create intrigue with fabricated facts and figures to captivate your audience.

The Copy Riddles Method

Unlike typical courses that tell you what to do, Copy Riddles immerses you in the process:

  • Interactive Riddles: Each round presents a “riddle,” where you attempt to craft a piece of copy based on a given scenario. Afterward, you see how an A-list copywriter tackled the same challenge, learning the specific technique they used.
  • Reinforcement: After understanding the technique, you apply it to a second riddle, ensuring the skill is ingrained in your memory through practice.

Why Choose Copy Riddles?

1. Practice Makes Perfect

  • Skill Mastery: The course is designed for you to repeatedly practice each tactic, so by the end, these advanced skills become second nature.

2. Real-World Applications

  • Direct Impact: Whether you’re working on marketing campaigns or freelance projects, the techniques you learn will directly translate into increased effectiveness and revenue.

3. Flexibility

  • Evergreen Access: The course is available anytime, anywhere, allowing you to learn at your own pace. The pricing is also set to ensure you’re getting value at the best possible rate.

4. Transformative Experience

  • Career Growth: Mastering the techniques in this course will set you apart from your peers, unlocking higher earning potential and more significant career opportunities.

5. For All Skill Levels

  • Inclusive Learning: Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced copywriter, the course offers immense value by focusing on practical application rather than passive learning.



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